Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Hidden Mysteries on "All My Children"

This holiday season everyone seems to have something to confess to Father Clarence. Tad believes he will never find Kate because of the evil acts he's committed. Father Clarence assures Tad that forgiveness is always possible. After talking to Father Clarence, Dixie was about to tell Adam that Tad is the father of Krystal's baby but stopped herself because she didn't want to ruin the Chandler's happiness. Krystal and Dixie continue to stress over whether or not they should reveal the truth about the baby to Tad and Adam. Babe and JR grow a little bit closer. Jamie and Julia find a small child in the car when they come upon a roadside accident involving Julia's friends, Linda and Jim. Could this be Tad and Dixie's lost child, Kate? Well, it's certainly worth a shot! Sean and Colby send Erica more gifts from "J." My guess is they want Erica to think that "J" is really Jack. Ryan and Jonathan continue to mourn Erin's death, while the killer's identity remains a mystery.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

We have this in South Africa but it is obviously years old as Colby is about 10 years old :)